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March 2019

I am not happy

I'm not happy one bit. And I don't care if I'm posting this to a bunch of strangers, but a lot of people seem to understand or relat…

Jealousy is a conscious choice

One thing that I've learned that helped me more than anything: you, and you alone, have to accept that jealousy is a conscious choice . We …

India wins 368 medals at Special Olympics Summer Games

In one of the best sports performances in Indian history, Indian team of 284 athletes have clinched 368 medals at the prestigious Special Olymp…

Intentional Morality

Does being an empathetic, or intelligent person make living a moral life more difficult? Yes. I assert that it does. The morality of an acti…

Apple vs Spotify : Time to Play Fair

Spotify recently started a campaign called Time to Play Fair , accusing Apple of enforcing anti-competitive policies on their app store, includi…

Movie Review: Captain Marvel

As someone who adores the MCU I thought this movie was pretty solid entry to the series. Definitely not the best of the MCU offering but certain…

7 billion people yet so little Humanity

These past couple of years, I've been feeling a kind of anxiety that I'd never felt before -- I no longer consider the future a certaint…

Elizabeth Warren's new plan: Break up Amazon, Google and Facebook

Sen. Elizabeth Warren released an aggressive plan on Friday to break up tech giants like Amazon, Google and Facebook, targeting the power of Sili…

Zuckerberg's promises are no more than deliberate deception.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday made a major proclamation : The future of Facebook is one focused on private communication. Zuckerber…

Every Animal Pulled From the Deepest Part of the Ocean Had Plastic in Its Gut

Stories of whales , turtles , and seabirds with guts filled with plastic have become increasingly common. Recently, a team of scientists wanted…