Sailfish OS RUS is one developed for Russian markets, audited by Russian officials and listed by the government (as the only mobile os, btw). The only model currently supporting this OS is Inoi R7, an overpriced middle-specked phone distributed by Inoi, a company somewhat heavily related to the earlier Nokia distributor in Russia. They seem to have a future, maybe not yet among the masses, but for example Russian Mail has announced to by 15000 Sailfish mobiles for their business use. This OS is developed and supported by OMP (Open Mobile Platform). Licensee has their own repositories, added by common repositories by Jolla for which they contribute as well. On the differences, this OS does not support running Android apps at all, and it has a separate boot screen. The latest release was published June 20, 1017 among with the Inoi R7 phone.India
Sailfish OS India was introduced by Intex (India). They only delivered one mobile device, Intex Aqua Fish. It's sold out, and there's no other device coming via them. For how long they will support the owners with providing updates is unsure, but the phone is similar to Jolla's community device "Jolla C" and it can be hacked to appear as one, then receiving updates directly via Jolla. On the differences, Sailfish OS India includes a commercial Android app screen next to the Sailfish home. Android support is on by default, a feature which is optional on the "original" of Sailfish OS. The latest release is for Intex Aqua Fish, released on May 10, 2017.
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