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Linus Torvalds Interview about niceness in Open Source

I totally understand what Linus is saying, and I agree 100% that ideas should be attacked and defended in an open arena where people's feelings might get hurt.
Linus Torvalds Interview about niceness in Open Source
not really sure !!
I totally understand what Linus is saying, and I agree 100% that ideas should be attacked and defended in an open arena where people's feelings might get hurt. If you want to contribute to an open source project, especially the kernel, you should be ready to take some licks. But the thing is that Linus often resorts to personal attacks when assaulting others ideas, and that seems to be a step too far.

He calls them morons, idiots, he attacks their education, he lambasts people by name for making decisions he doesn't agree with. He says he likes to argue, and that's fine, but he doesn't seem capable of having a reasonable and assertive discussion about difficult issues without resorting to expletives, capital letters, exclamation points, and personal attacks on other people's reputation. And the only reason he gets away with it is that he is Linus Torvalds.

And my personal opinion is that Linus is a guy that goes out of his way to help other people, and who is incredibly good at what he does. Source

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