Happy New Year folks

Happy New Year folks
January, February, March, April, May.
The first five months are A-OK.

June and July, August, September,
How many summers can you remember?

October, November, December's the end,
Any month's a good time to make a new friend.

Fifty-two weeks or twelve months in a year,
As each month ends, a new one is here.

Winter and fall, summer and spring.
These are the seasons that each year brings.

The days in a year come to three hundred sixty-five.
Isn't it great to be alive?

It is that of the year when the calendar dates come to an end and the year count is incremented. With the advent of New Years Day, there seems to be another advent of oodles of free New Year greetings. People getting obsessed with the newfangled festive furor and feel like doing something aberrant to add a wholly newfangled touch to the New Year.

Wishing all my readers a 'Prosperous & Wonderful New Year'. Celebrate and rejoice, don't trip on your resolutions this year. 
Happy New Year folks Happy New Year folks Reviewed by Kanthala Raghu on January 01, 2015 Rating: 5
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