"This is the 2nd time this has happened to me. I've been promoting your content through hot-deals & magic box on my blog at www.kanthalaraghu.com for over a month now. And when i check back (after a month) to see the summary, daily report, there's not a single record of anything. It shows 'No Data' ??
Last time this happened (prior to this month), i just quit, then one of your CS representative called me & convinced that they'll look into it. Then i gave it a month thinking okay maybe she'll look into it & this time it'd be different. But another month has gone and i haven't seen any records of content that i have promoted on my blog.
P.s I'm ending my relationship with Infibeam this Instant. Don't bother calling me. I won't be convinced into getting back into your affiliate program. Hope this feedback brings changes down the line. Also check you're tracking S/W. I don't know if its recording anything at all."