- When a web page that plays music before I'm actually looking at it.
- When a web page that puts its pictures on their own individual page.
- Any page that is completely done in flash.
- Anyone who uses akimbo 1887's.
- People who walk slow or take to long in a line.
- Anyone who thinks I enjoy fixing your shitty computer.
- People who say 'Can I ask you a question'?
- Everyone in politics (even you Rahul).
- Babies in movie theaters, restaurant or anywhere loud obnoxious screaming is frowned upon.
- People who bring their babies to said places.
- Every cell phone company, Internet service provider and Tv service I've ever had.
- Anyone who talks to me about religion like it's fact.
- Girls who confuse the shit out of me by playing your mind games.
- Anyone who thinks the iPod is the best MP3 player you can get.
- The pope.
- My dog who ripped apart my garbage, ( which was long time ago, clearly miss him).
- Everyone who works on the American side of a broader.
- Commercials that have really, really tiny writing at the bottom of the screen for a billionth of a second.
- Web sites that take 5 minutes to load.
- Anyone who tries to debate me without actually knowing anything about the subject.
- People who are rude to the servers at restaurants, I'll go upside your head if I see that again.
- Anyone who says Avatar is the best movie ever.
- People with dogs smaller than cats.
- Steam, for taking up huge space on my computer and bogging it down like a cripple in a swamp.
- ANYTHING that tries to sneak a yahoo toolbar into my installation.
- People who think the earth is 6000 years old.
- People who don't discipline their kids.
- Cats.
- People who think every religious person is an evil idiot.
- Grammar Nazis.
- Driving in the winter.
- Fat people who complain about being fat. (Nothing against fat people, just don't like people complaining about what they do to themselves)
- People who don't know how to drive yet insist on operating a speeding ton of metal.
- Anyone who takes their pet to a spa specifically designed for animals.
- People who own or run businesses like that.
- Commercials that cause me to empty my bowels in fright at their loud noises.
- People who use thermal scopes.
- The fact that your body starts going downhill one day.
- How dusty my PC and Tv get. F**k you dust.
- Popcorn, for setting up a condo between my teeth for weeks on end.
- Every single boy band or band that has no musicians in it.
- Australia. I don't know what you do down their but ALL you wildlife scares me. Hoping kangaroo.
- Every Tv station that censors movies.
- People who complain about seeing something twice on the Internet.
- Weathermen (or women).
- People who think everyone should know what their slang means
- People who comment on how short I am and ask if the weather's nice down here. .
- To the government in general for restricting the good things in life.
- High fructose corn syrup is the worst thing to happen to food since Mcdonalds.
- People who use voice chat solely for the purpose of screaming obscenities to make themselves look cool to complete strangers, f**k you noobs.
- Pidgins and 85% of all those other flying rats we call birds.
- The east coast.
- The fact that the sun beams right through my curtains in the morning and right into my eye.
- Anything to do with reading your palm.
- Prohibition.
- Avatar gave me eye pains and almost melted down my brain, all for 3 hours of greenpeace porno.
- Batteries that don't recharge.
- The fact that South Korea has better Internet than us. And the fact that basically EVERYBODY else has better Internet than us.
- Spiders. Anything bigger than a quarter must die on the spot, unless bigger than an apple, in which case I flee.
- The fact that I keep coming back to this list to add more things I need to tell off.
- The fact that when I get a large fry at Mcdonalds, they don't fill it all the way up.
- Corn is in pretty much everything you eat, it's not THAT good.
- People who talk in ALLCAPS should have their fingers broken.
- People who talk like LOLcats should have their necks broken.
- Having to put things in alphabetical order and realizing I can't do it without going over the song 20 times.
- Whenever I end up writing as much as facebook will allow.
- Bill Murry is a god.
- Kids who play online games, and their parents who don't see what a horrible little shit their spawn is.
- The fact that I don't know how to use this ; properly, and probably never will.
- The fact that I can't sign up for jdate.com. Fuck that.
- Everything about the superbowl or grey cup or stanley cup playoffs. Shit mass stupidity over 'roided up beefcakes.
- All the good Tv shows are getting shorter in season.
- The fact that we don't study hallucinogens more.
I keep adding more as I think of them.